
Second Stop - Salem

Salem, the location of the 2012 NW Tandem Rally, with tandems as far as the eye could see, including a surprising number of bicycles-built-for-four.    When four strong riders approached from the rear, with all that power, it sounded like a wind storm.  There were two families, with teenage kids, riding bicycles-built-for-four together and when those eight riders passed by, they were one amazing swoosh!

All morning, and well into the afternoon the ride was great -- warm, dry, beautiful farm scenes -- but then the rain cut loose the last hour, or so.  At the end of our 48 miles, we were drenched and looked like sewer rats when we arrived back at our little trailer.  Quick showers and off for dinner and then pretty much we were done for the evening.  

Wet clothes were strung all over our trailer and in the morning they were still wet.  Did we bail?  Yep!  The second day of the rally we enjoyed a lovely breakfast at Willamette University, a walk around the beautiful campus, and then jumped in the car for Bend, sun and a chance to dry out.  On our campus walk, we were especially taken with the beautifully designed sitting areas, patios and pathways around the small stream running through campus.

Starting the ride Saturday morning

Ready to Ride

Fran & Ed at the start of the NW Tandem Rally ride

Ed lost in the blur or tandems

Ed & Fran at covered bridge



Willamette Campus

First Stop -- Portland

Leaving Whidbey, our first stop was  Portland for a lovely visit with Rhonda, Kerry and Finn.  Highlights were Finn's swim lesson and Finn-Benton play, not to mention the always wonderful continuous conversations flowing around activities, meals and walks.  Thanks for the great visit Rhonda, Kerry and Finn! 

Finn's swimming skills have leaped to great in the last year!

Fran & Rhonda

Finn selecting a paddle board

Finn & Benton

Finn, Kerry and Rhonda with Benton