
China, and Thailand too!

We went to China this fall, mostly for Brad and Yessi's Chinese wedding, but for exploration too.  The wedding, well, the wedding was fantastic!!

Plus, we had so many dear friends from America join us, we were overwhelmed with gratitude.

Then we did a bit of travel, but I'll send you to thistle adventure, where I blog about our trip.  See China #1 - #11, which also includes two postings about Thailand and many more wedding photographs.  The wrap-up words are, we were very lucky to have this life's adventure.  


The Inn's Full

Our home has experienced a transformation.  We first thought we'd sell it when we decided to travel, but didn't like the offers we received.   It's just too special to let the square footage vs. price drive the conversation.  So we did a quick switch and advertised it on Airbnb when we returned to the island this summer.  Just to try it out.  Whoa!  It took off.  We've had a rush of guests.

Since mid-July when we ran the ad, we've experienced a full house.  We've been dealt a good poker hand, I'd say.    Our home is enchanting our visitors.  They like how it looks and feels.  They like the philosophy behind it.    Time after time our guests tell us they are here to explore the island, and then they hunker down, cook their meals at home, and luxurate in at-home peace and quiet 

All our guests refer to Brad, our son and designer, as creative and talented.   Well, yes, says his proud mom.   Ed and I are asked how we can possibly share this amazing space with people we don't know.  The answer, now after a month and a half is, it's been easy because our guests have been so appreciative and complimentary.  They've also been exceedingly thoughtful.  We feel like we are finally fulfulling one of the goals we set out to accomplish when we built -- demonstrating that living small does not need to sacrifice living well.

We think it's clear our visitors  feel good about their stay here.  They sleep well.  They mention feeling like they're in a cozy cocoon.  Their connection to the garden pleases them.  Wildlife, so close at hand, delights them.  Largely our guests are young couples wanting to build a small home themselves some day and they are leaving with notebooks full of ideas, cameras full of photographs, and often with Brad's card tucked away as well.

Right now we definitely feel like we've hit the jackpot.  We're lucky to be able to promote living small, keep our home in our ownership, and make a few extra dollars as well. Plus we're meeting wonderful people.

All photographs by Victor, Airbnb photographer.


"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

~ Maya Angelou

Blog Change

I will still post on Home on Whidbey from time-to-time but my primary blogging site is now Thistle Adventure.  Thank you for following this blog.  I appreciate your interest and hope to entertain you with our travels in Thistle.

Here I am enjoying a smoothie made in Thistle's vitamix.  This photo was taken on the Oregon coast.