
Staying in touch

Our friends blogging activities allow us to vicariously enjoy their adventures. Finn, Kerry and Rhonda enjoy a winter vacation in Puerto Vallarta and I both envy them and salute their fun and sun-tanned healthy looks. Plus I was able to steal this picture from their blog.
Life in Santa Barbara is far from Whidbey yet we feel like we see Finn's growth and development first hand, in many respects, as the pictures and comments are posted regularly. Now if we could only blog with smell and sound and a real hug or two. Rhonda, the power behind our home construction blog reports that she enjoys our blogs in the same way:
I feel like I know what is going on in your life because I read your blog regularly instead of calling you on the phone and chatting...kinda weird, I didn't think I was embracing computer communication that much!!! Apparently I am. Wow. It is fun to see the progress of your building project, what a ton of work and thoughtful thinking that goes on with every step. LOVE the carriage doors, too cool. I checked out your new blog and noticed that you changed the format on your old blog, looks like you have found a new passion. Keep it coming.

The "new passion" comment hits home. I now have three blogs: one is Whidbey Life, another our construction project, and a third is Tahoma One Drop Zen Monastery. No wonder my days are too short!

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