
Brad Departs for New Zealand

The day arrived for Brad's departure. With moist eyes yet happy-adventure wishes, we put him on a plane for his New Zealand adventure. Brad's decision to hike the Te Araroa Trail was quickly made so preparation was frantic and his departure sudden. I will walk every step with Brad in my head, with hopes for him to have a safe journey. The possibilities for much soul searching, life-changing thoughts is huge with such a trip. It will be fascinating to follow Brad's physical experiences right along with his "ah-ha" experiences, as the trip unfolds.

Brad's home for 5 months -- the 24lb pack

Brad worked hard to achieve this 24 lb pack. This pack will carry all of Brad's clothing, food, water, cooking pharaphernalia, first aid supplies, camera, GPS, and sundries for five months. After Brad hiked the Pacific Crest Trail for 1 month this past summer he determined to reduce his pack weight by half. He did.

Brad at Sea-Tac checkout

Ed, Susan, Barry & Brad at SeaTac saying goodbye

I've never really kept this blog active but with Brad's departure to New Zealand on November 14 for five months, I have a new blogging subject to keep me blogging-entertained. My plan is to mostly track his trip via Google Earth, New Zealand images, and stories of our communications, along with my feelings as he travels the Te Aroroa Trail from the Northern tip of the North Island to the Southern most tip of the Southern Island.

Brad is blogging as well when he has access to a computer. His travel blogging can be found at dbbrad.

Departure from Sea-Tac was both exciting and sad. It's difficult to say goodbye for five months, especially after day-to-day contact for the past several years but it's exciting to see your child head out onto such a fabulous adventure. I will definitely travel vicariously with Brad.

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