
"Just another day with wet feet on the Te Araroa Trail!"

If you've read of the missing man on the Whanganui River, it is not Brad. Can you hear this mother's huge sigh of relief? A man, part of a canoe group, tried to swim across the river and was swept away.

Brad is due on the Whanganui River for a three-day canoe trip on the 18th (17th here). I hope it stops raining so he can have three clear-blue-sky-days, along with a safer river. Unfortunately, he reports the weather of late has been horrible. In fact, here he is with: "Just another day with wet feet on the Te Araroa Trail."

Brad is currently in Whakapapa, in the rain. His view is mostly of clouds at Whakapapa Village where he's holed up waiting for the weather to improve.

Whakapapa Village

Current weather conditions over Whakapapa Village - rain and wind!

Whakapapa winter wonderland

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