

Te Araroa serendipity! Happy reunion! Happy tramping!

When I last heard from Brad at 2:00 yesterday, he was leaving Arthur's Pass for Metheven. He expected to get there in two to three days. But, sometime after that e-mail, he caught up with Ludo and Flore. In reading their blog (nzfromnorthtosouth) this morning, I noticed a new sentence was added to the Day 106 to 111 posting, which said "On our rest day we find Brad who cached us up. It's nice to see him again."

Finding them might have changed his plans a bit. Perhaps he decided to finish out their rest day with them so they could all tramp together to Metheven.

Te Araro Trail, South Island, NZ
photo by Brad Hankins

"Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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