
Brad Arrives at Kennedy Meadows North!

Ed and I were camped at Baker Campground at Kennedy Meadows North (west of Sonora Pass and a resupply spot for thru-hikers) looking forward to Brad's arrival some time the following day.  We were all soundly asleep when Brad came crashing through the door.  He'd arrived at Sonora Pass at midnight, after 36 hours of tramping and then managed to get a hitch to the campground.  We'd left a note for him on the back of the PCT trail sign so he knew approximately where we were.

Much excitement, especially by Benton, as he jumped and jumped and jumped and ran circles around Brad in his delight.  Brad crashed on his tarp in his sleeping bag outside the trailer and then there he was (yippee!!) the next morning.

Note the heart on the ground in the photo below.  Brad had just come up with the idea of Heart on the Trail so was demonstrating his hiking-pole-created hearts.

Brad & Benton play their first morning together in  8 months

Our first day with Brad was spent mostly feeding him.  We went to the lovely little restaurant at Kennedy Meadows and had breakfast; then as he was working on his computer he purchased lunch at Kennedy Meadows; and later that evening we cooked him a big steak on the camp fire.   There were, of course, endless snacks in between.   He was never full, with the hunger persistent.  Literature reports a male will burn 6000 calories per day hiking.

Freestyle at our little Baker campsite in Kennedy Meadows North

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