
Crater Lake

Crater Lake is a "bucket list" must, but I can't tell you how many times I've driven by it in all the years I have travelled between Washington and California -- snowed out, too busy, took the ocean route, and so on and on.  Finally, I've been to Crater Lake and it does not disappoint.  Regretfully, we didn't do much exploring because it is not dog friendly.  No dogs on the trails and it was too hot to leave him in the car.  Camp has rules against unattended dogs in camp.  There you have it.  We drove around the lake as the sun was setting and again in the morning.  We stopped and explored what we could at lots and lots of the viewpoints, but we'll need to return to hike.

Fran & Benton enjoying our morning at a  Crater Lake camp

Ed, Benton, Fran 

Rule breaking to let Benton play in a patch of snow.
 Fortunately we didn't get busted.

Harsh conditions create beauty

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