
Eighth Stop -- Sierra City

Sierra City is a darling little town in Northern California.  We were spending our last couple of days with Brad before returning home.  Our camp was Wild Plum Camp Ground a national park camp, our favorites.  National camps are typically small with few improvements and more remote and wild. 

Once again the WiFi access was critical to winding up Heart on the Trail work.  It seems like we've spent days and days on this project, and we have, but the days have been short with interruptions galore.  Plus WiFi has been sporadic and slow so work progressed, often, at a snail's pace.  Other activities were thrown in too, like downloading photos, catching up on correspondence, e-mail, and so forth, all needing to be finished up before we loaded Brad's computer into the car and drove away.

And, drive away we did.  Brad was still on the Red Moose patio when we drove out of town.  The Red Moose owners had just returned from a huge shopping trip so  Brad couldn't stand the thought of not having one more dinner of real, home cooked food before he hit the trail.

Sierra City

Red Moose PCT Angel Stop 
Buck Horn Restaurant with good food and generous WiFi

PCT Thru-Hikers are almost half-way at the Red Moose in Sierra City, CA

Creek running by our camp at the Wild Plum Camp Ground in Sierra City

Beautiful Sierra City ountry side

Thru-hikers on the deck at the Red Moose

Red Moose Angels extraordinaire

Buck Horn Restaurant Patio

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