
Fifth Stop - Ebbetts Pass

Ebbetts Pass, elevation 8730, was selected for our next rendezvous with Brad and Benton.  The pass is on a 61 mile scenic byway on highways 4 and 89.  The trip from Sonora Pass to Ebbetts Pass was  much slower than we'd anticipated, and although we'd started moving out of Kennedy Meadows at 6:00, knowing our scheduled meeting time with Brad was at noon, we arrived an hour and one-half late.  Brad has arrived an hour early so he was one anxious hiker.  He'd spent two and one-half hours wondering if our communication was clear and worried about how to hitch with Benton; how long he should wait before bailing; what he would do with a very exhausted dog; and how to continue with no resupply.

Not only was Brad anxious but Benton was exhausted.  Brad stormed for a spell while Benton headed directly to his crate in the car and slept for about 24 hours.  Brad, after taking a break and resting and eating and drinking with his friends,  recovered quickly and was soon ready to roll again.  It's astonishing how quickly a cold beer can fix up a thru-hiker.   He gathered together and packed the supplies we'd brought along and headed back to the trail. 

Ed and I took off for a campground for the night and a few days of exploration before we'd meet Brad at Echo Summit, Highway 50, elevation 7382. 

Here are pictures of our angel recipients.

Freebird & Bird 
Sarah & Lindsey, University of Santa Barbara students
Section hiking sobo


car open to supply iced chocolate, drinks and fruit
and to stay cool for Benton's napping pleasure

Freestyle and friends filling up for the trail

 Gourmet & Yoga

Juma, Freestyle & Pinhead

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