
Fourth Stop -- Sonora Pass

These photos are of Sonora Pass where we  traveled from east to west on Highway 108.  Our traveling experience on the West Coast is that the north-south roads are big, crowded, fast and unpleasant.  But, the east-west roads are uniformly fabulous!  Highway 108 was no exception.  We don't recommend it for the weak of heart though.  It is steep and narrow with serious curves and twists and grades as steep as 26% in some locations.  Warnings are posted for no trailers and those warnings should be heeded. We pulled our little tent trailer and it was more than we wanted to deal with.  Going up was slow but not too bad, although challenging,  but oh so beautiful!  Going down required great caution plus a rest for heated brakes.   Sonora Pass is one of the highest automobile roads in California at 9,624 feet.  The PCT hikers are coming down to the pass.

The Ponderosa Pines and sparse understory are such a contrast to what we know here in the NW where our forests are cedars, pines, spruce and fir with a thick understory.  

Sonora Pass is where we will meet Brad in early July!  Ed has not seen Brad since he departed for New Zealand in November, nor has Benton.  I saw Brad in San Diego when he returned from New Zealand and was preparing to begin the Pacific Crest Trail in April.

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