
Back to Washington

Brad departed from SeaTac mid November of 2011, and just today, September 11, 2012, after 10 months, he set foot back in Washington.  He first left Washington to travel to New Zealand to tramp the Te Araroa Trail.  After completing the Te Araroa Trail he flew to California to begin hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.  Now, after many miles and many adventures, he returns to his state of birth; his home for his entire life.   Today he crossed over the Bridge of the Gods, putting his feet once again on Washington soil.

Bridge of the Gods over the Columbia River

Yesterday Brad was dispirited with sore feet and sore back.  Plus, it was raining and he was wet and cold.  His enthusiasm for returning to the trail was low!  Today, after a good night's warm and dry sleep, he was ready to roll.  And, as you can see from the photo above, the day is beautiful, with no rain in sight.  Dry is everything, sometimes.

For me it feels a little like my "kid is home"!  Although I probably won't see him until he nears the end of his Washington trek, having him in his home state feels like I have him home again.  I've loved "hiking" with him all these months, yet having him return warms my heart as well.  And, speaking of hearts, please go to Heart on the Trail and support Brad's fundraiser for both the Pacific Crest Trail and The American Heart Association.  A hiker, with so much thinking time, reaches new levels of self awareness and social awareness and political awareness and environmental awareness.  All combine to lift the need for giving back to others.  Heart on the Trail is the culmination of all that time alone, and with other contemplative hiking companions, to evaluate one's life and one's world.  Thank you for putting your heart on the trail!  

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