
Te Araroa's Grand Opening

The Te Araroa Trail had it's grand opening celebration on December 9, 2011. Although Brad was celebrating the Te Araroa Trail, he was doing so trekking, not attending the celebration. He was somewhere north of Auckland when the celebration was taking place.

Brad, Te Araroa Trail, NZ, 2011

Thirty five years ago the trail first became a dream, culminating this past decade into reality. Volunteers do fabulous things world wide, and this trail's dream-come-true is no exception. The trail opened in 2011. Brad's adventure, when he completes his five month journey, will put his name on a short list of hikers who have thru-hiked the Te Araroa Trail these first few months of its existence.

In the US we have the Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and the Appalachian Trail, to mention three of the most famous. There are, however, many other fabulous hikes in the US, some more long distance than others. In researching long-distance hikes I came across this site which lists hikes world wide in North Ameria, Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Africa. For those of you who saw The Way recently, The Camino de Santiago de Compostela, also known as The Way of St. James, was on the list too. There are enough trails one could easily make a life-time career of trekking the world.

The official plaque

The Long Pathway

"Walk the path in safety
Look deeply and learn
From your surroundings"

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